Top Tips To The Perfect Printed Bag

Designing the perfect printed bag for your business can be a challenging feat, but with several tips and tricks to remember it is not impossible. Here, we are giving you our tips and tricks to the perfect professional printed tote bags for your business in 2019.

Bright Colour

The perfect printed bag not only needs to capture the attention of the audience, but it needs to be eye-catching in order to display the branding. The brighter the colour is the more likely you are to capture the attention of your target audience. When using a bright colour such as red it is important to keep the text as simple as possible with either a black or white colouring as the contrast ensures that the writing can be seen regardless of the distance.

Keep It Relatable

If the personalised bags that you are creating are kept as relatable as possible with either pop culture references or relatable images, this can capture the attention of audiences and encourage those to buy it. This is evident in merchandise from famous brands such as Friends and Harry Potter, therefore by creating a bag that is recognisable or in collaboration with a brand you are likely to have more success. By keeping it relatable you can then encourage new customers to visit in order to look at the products that are available. Though this will only be a gradual increase the power of a printed bag will help to market the brand efficiently without breaking the budget.  

Quality Over Quantity

The most important aspect to remember when designing a printed bag is quality over quantity. If you design a bag that can be re-used again and again, you are likely to have a much better result than you are with a bag that will break immediately. By focusing on the quality of the bag, you can ensure that your customer base will use the bag often. This will then help to reduce the carbon footprint of the company and help to save the environment.

Clear Branding

The final element is the clear branding. Although it is great to make the brand themed and have a clear theme, it is important to ensure that your branding is present. Whether this is in the corner of the bag or nice and large at the top, this will help to promote the brand and ensure that your company is associated with it whenever someone sees it. This is important as this ensures that you have the required results from the branding and help to boost marketing efforts. Though this will take time to have a profound effect on the business, it can work alongside a number of other marketing plans to ensure the best possible results.

When looking at designing the perfect printed bag, there are a few important elements to consider that all contribute to people opting to purchase the bag. How will you create a bag that perfectly reflects your brand?

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